FIRST BLOG!!! (and rating my midterms)

after winter break, which is when I really worked on this site the most, I thought I was done with it all: I thought since I had powered through all my college apps I could sit back and relax and finally get to do what I actually wanted to do: scroll insta and play genshin work on this site!!! But my last year of highschool had other ideas for me... FIVE MIDTERMS. I mean thats pretty normal but people were telling me senior year was gonna be light. They lied. So my first blog post is gonna be reviewing all my midterms and rating them!

Aerospace engineering

This class is tough, everyone in the class has some sort of beef with the teacher, the content is hard, but the test is relatively fair. Its only 15-20 multiple choice and 2 short responses in 41 minutes and none of the questions have the sorts of calculations that you typically pair with 'engineering' classes. But the test is still annoying, since you're getting asked questions which require you to know a couple layers of basic engineering, like:

     What two changes can a plane designer make on a plane in order to reduce the induced drag on the plane? (short response)

BTW I'm pretty sure I only got half credit on that question.... I'll give this midterm a 6/10

Flight school

HOLY SHIT I BOMBED THIS TEST SO BAD. flight school is an elective course that my school offers where we use flight simulators and learn about flying (no i dont go to a private school.) its really cool but the same teacher as my AE class, which is... ehh. For this test, we had to use VOR radio navgiation systems (basically shitter and older GPS) to get from one airport to another...

the blue circle is the airport that I was starting at, and the red line is coming from that VOR radio station which basically shoots frequencies everywhere. your plane needs to be dialed into frequency and my teacher told us to set it up at 265 degrees (see the 27 right above the red line on the compass? that's 270 degrees) I need to get to that red line, then turn and follow the red line , so the quickiest way to get to the red line is fly perpendicular to it: add or subtract 90 degrees depending where u are. So, I was supposed to fly at 265+90= 355 degrees... BUT I FLEW AT 265-90=175 DEGREES, THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. by the time I realized, the period was over. 0/10 bc VOR is cringe.


ehhh..... It was alright, I already got my score back I got a 85. The test was on memory, cognition, and learning. I studied a fair amount, and I'm not unhappy with the score, so 7/10

US Gov and politics

This was my last test of the day, it was 9th period and I was so exhausted, I can barely remember the test. This class is always hit or miss for me. Sometimes I do amazing and other times I fail. It was just average, so a 5/10.


I like this class a lot but find myself dozing off in it often because it's like 1-2 pm and I'm just tired. Most of the test was just derivatives with some integral questions. There was this one question I was stressing on b/c I forgot how to do it, but otherwise I think I'll give this a 8/10, my highest rating.

that's enough school yap, its 2:34 am and i spent most of yesterday trying to learn javascript, so i'm gonna go to sleep now. Goodnight!